My Therapy Services

Let's work with you to discover the right strategies that work best for you and your lifestyle. We are all different, but we are also all human.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive-behavioral therapy stresses the role of thinking in how we feel and what we do. It is based on the belief that thoughts, rather than people or events, cause our negative feelings. The therapist assists the client in identifying, testing the reality of, and correcting dysfunctional beliefs underlying his or her thinking. The therapist then helps the client modify those thoughts and the behaviors that flow from them. CBT is a structured collaboration between therapist and client and often calls for homework assignments. CBT has been clinically proven to help clients in a relatively short amount of time with a wide range of disorders, including depression and anxiety.

CPT & TF-CBT (Trauma Therapy)

Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) is a cognitive-behavioral therapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and related conditions in adults. PTSD can develop when an individual experiences a traumatic event such as physical and sexual abuse / assault, accidents, threats, military combat, or being a witness to violence or death. CPT focuses on the connections between thoughts, feelings, behavior and bodily sensations.

Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) is an evidenced based treatment that helps children and adolescents address the negative effects of trauma- including: processing their traumatic memories, overcoming problematic thoughts and behaviors, and developing effective coping and interpersonal skills.

therapy trauma

Existential Therapy

Existential psychotherapy is based on the philosophical belief that human beings are alone in the world, and that this aloneness can only be overcome by creating one's own meaning, and exercising one's freedom to choose. The existential therapist encourages clients to face life's anxieties head on and to start making their own decisions. The therapist will emphasize that, along with having the freedom to carve out meaning, comes the need to take full responsibility for the consequences of one's decisions. Therapy sessions focus on the client's present and future rather than their past.

Mindfulness-Based (MBCT)

For clients with chronic pain, hypertension, heart disease, cancer, and other health issues such as anxiety and depression, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, or MBCT, is a two-part therapy that aims to reduce stress, manage pain, and embrace the freedom to respond to situations by choice. MCBT blends two disciplines- cognitive therapy and mindfulness. Mindfulness helps by reflecting on moments and thoughts without passing judgment. MBCT clients pay close attention to their feelings to reach an objective mindset, thus viewing and combating life's unpleasant occurrences.

Zen rocks

Strengthed Based Therapy

Strength-based therapy is a type of positive psychotherapy and counseling that focuses more on your internal strengths and resourcefulness, and less on weaknesses, failures, and shortcomings. This focus sets up a positive mindset that helps you build on you best qualities, find your strengths, improve resilience and change worldview to one that is more positive. A positive attitude, in turn, can help your expectations of yourself and others become more reasonable.


Need help? Call to get help today.

I offer free phone consultations and am entirely online based for virtual sessions anywhere in the State of Florida. Use that courage to reach out and take the first step towards a transformation.

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